Suicide Prevention Resources

Local & On-Campus Resources

National Hotlines

Online Resources

Local & On-Campus

  • Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
    Offers confidential counseling for UNL students. Help is available 24/7.
  • Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)
    A multi-disciplinary team of university faculty and staff whose purpose is to support students’ mental health and emotional well-being by tracking "red flags" over time, detecting patterns, trends, and disturbances in individual or group behavior.
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
    Offers confidential counseling for UNL employees and their immediate family at no charge. Includes suicide prevention resources.
  • Nebraska LOSS Team
    The LOSS team (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors) has mental health professionals and trained volunteers who offer immediate support for survivors of suicide. They provide resources, support, and hope to suicide survivors.
  • HopeLNK
    A movement to elevate the conversation about mental health and suicide prevention in Lincoln.
  • Nebraska Needs You
    A community-wide social media campaign focused on promoting hope, resilience and connectedness among rural youth in Nebraska by sharing positive and empowering messages that encourage youth to see their worth, to take care of their mental health and to reach out for help if they or someone they know is considering suicide.
