REACH out Nebraska (homepage)

Prevent Suicide at Nebraska REACH out and save a life

Get Help Now Suicide Prevention Training
Kate Smith with a REACH display she designed to help offer suicide prevention education

Suicide Prevention at Nebraska

A simple conversation can save a life.

Knowing the signs of suicide is important in helping someone who may be at risk. By offering your understanding, reassurance and support, you can help your loved one or friend seek the help they need.

When I started college, I didn’t know much about suicide prevention or about mental health and advocacy in general.

It was during my freshman year seeing a friend battle with his struggles with mental health and with suicidal ideation that I realized just how important the resources here on campus were. Without question working here with Big Red Resilience & Well-being as a REACH trainer has been the most transformative experience I’ve had as a leader on campus.

Hunter Godina, Saint Charles, IL